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Great software is supported by great people, and Python is no exception. Our user base is enthusiastic and dedicated to spreading use of the language far and wide. Our community can help support the beginner, the expert, and adds to the ever-increasing open-source knowledgebase.
New to the community? Here are some great places to get started:
We want to be open about how we can improve transparency, provide the community with opportunities to interact with us, and be responsive to raised suggestions.
Contribute by filling out the Python Software Foundation Community Survey here.
My experience with the Python community has been awesome. I have met some fantastic people through local meetups and gotten great support.
Python Weekly is a free weekly email newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs, and more. Curated by Rahul Chaudhary every Thursday.
Go to to sign up.
PySlackers is a community of Python enthusiasts centered around an open Slack team.
Go to for more information and to join.
Python Discord is a large community focused around the Python programming language.
Go to for more information and to join.
This is the place where Python Engineers level up their knowledge, skills and network. Exchange technical publications, coding tutorials and other learning resources.
Go to the Python Developers Community on LinkedIn.
Libera.Chat hosts several channels. Select an IRC client, register your nickname with Libera.Chat, and you can be off and running!