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Fiscal Sponsorees

At this time, the Python Software Foundation is not accepting new fiscal sponsoree requests.

The Python Software Foundation promotes, protects, and advances the Python programming language and supports and facilitates the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.

Part of that mission includes acting as a fiscal sponsor to mission-related Python events, groups, and projects. The PSF provides 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status to fiscal sponsorees and manages back office issues like cash flow, accounting, budgeting, insurance, and contract/legal support, as well as access to nonprofit discounts.

To learn more about in the PSF's fiscal sponsorship program, email us! We will provide you a fiscal sponsorship questionnaire and materials about how the PSF supports fiscal sponsorees. We will also schedule a call to discuss how your event, group, or project fits with the PSF's charitable mission.

Note: we generally do not take new fiscal sponsorship requests the month before and after the annual PyCon US.

The following groups are active fiscal sponsorees:

Bandit Alt text

Bandit is a prominent open source project that focuses on the field of application security in Python. Developed and maintained by a dedicated community of developers, Bandit is designed to identify and highlight potential security vulnerabilities and weaknesses within Python codebases. As a static code analysis tool, Bandit scans through the source code, leveraging a wide range of security checks and rules to detect common security issues, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and insecure cryptographic implementations.. Your contribution sustains Bandit developers and maintainers.

Bay Area Python Association (BAPyA)

BAPyA is a group of Python community organizers in the San Francisco Bay Area dedicated to supporting local gatherings to learn and discuss Python. Please consider supporting the BAPyA community with a contribution.

Boston Python

Boston Python is one of the world's largest local Python user groups. We have a presentation night and a project night almost every month, and run weekend workshops to introduce beginners to Python. Your donation helps keep the Python community in Boston vibrant!


Founded in 2003, ChiPy (Chicago Python User Group) has over 1,000 active members with a focus on the Python Programming Language. Meetings are open to all levels! Our main meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of every month. We also offer several SIGs (Special Interest Groups) in Mentorship, Data Science, Web technologies, and Finance. Please consider supporting the Chicago Python community!

Denver Python Users Group

Denver Python Users Group welcomes those interested in learning about Python or connecting with other Python professionals. We have a smaller weekly Meetup for people to work on Python projects and a larger monthly Meetup with speakers and talks. You can help support ongoing meeting costs by donating!


Jazzband is a project that secures the long-term maintenance of Python projects that have passed their first life-cycle as single-author projects. Jazzband's intention is to break the cycle of loss of maintenance of established, well-tested, well-documented projects when their original author steps away (bus factor problem) using cooperative coding. You can support Jazzband to help keep Python projects alive.

North Bay Python

North Bay Python is a boutique, one-track conference held annually in Petaluma, CA. We take inclusion seriously and ensure our speakers come from a diverse, international lineup. To reduce costs for future attendees, consider donating to North Bay Python.


Pallets develops and supports Flask, Jinja, Werkzeug, Click, and other Python libraries. These libraries power applications of all sizes around the world and are downloaded millions of times each month. Despite their popularity, the projects are primarily maintained by only a few developers. You can support Pallets' goal by donating via the PSF or Github Sponsors to grow the community and to create a sustainable group of contributors and users.


PhillyPUG, the Philadelphia Python Users' Group, has​ 3,200 members ​growing at a rate of one new member per day. The group holds regular events including project nights, lectures, lightning talks, and workshops to attract all levels of programmers from novices to experts. Your contribution helps support the cost of these events, including event space, refreshments, and other logistical expenses.


PuPPy, the Puget Sound Programming Python Group, is a fun and friendly user group dedicated to proliferating a diverse and talented Python community in the Puget Sound region. The group is devoted to exploring Python-based programming knowledge, embracing new and experienced members from all walks of life, and helping those members to achieve their professional goals. Consider supporting PuPPy!


PyCascades is a regional Python conference that moves between Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland. PyCascades is a two-day, single-track Python conference that celebrates and brings together the Pacific Northwest Python developer and user community. Your donation helps reduce the cost of future conferences, including providing travel grants.


PyBeach is an annual one-day, single-track event, with a main talks track, open source sprints, “hallway track” space, and an expo hall. Members of the Python communities in the Los Angeles area welcome Python professionals, enthusiasts, and students to join us. It is a welcoming, volunteer-run, community-driven event with the mission to educate and connect its attendees to one another, and promote Python within the local technology community. Your donation will help reduce the cost of the conference and support future conferences.


PyHawaii is a community dedicated to the growth and use of the Python Programming Language in Honolulu, the Islands of Hawaii, and across the Pacific. All skill levels are welcome! At PyHawaii, we value community, inclusivity and `ohana - so come join our meetup, where you will find friends, family and fantastic opportunities to learn, grow, contribute and advance your skills. Consider supporting the group with your contribution.


PyLadies is a mentorship group for women with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open source community. We have over 100 worldwide chapters and we encourage women to start their own local groups. We support both seasoned and budding developers through workshops, community activities, and local advocacy. Your donation to PyLadies' outreach efforts will help improve the diversity of the software industry as a whole.


PyMNtos (pronounced pie-min-tose) is a Twin Cities group of Python enthusiasts. Members range from beginners to hobbyists to experts. Whoever you are and whatever your skill level is, we would love for you to join us. There is no membership fee or any other barrier to entry. To support the cost of Meetups, please donate!


PyOhio is an annual, regional PyCon in Ohio that draws attendees from the Midwest US. Content ranges from beginner to advanced and is intended to be relevant to all types of Python users including students, software professionals, scientists, hobbyists, and anyone looking to learn more.


The Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) is a working group that maintains a core set of software projects used in Python packaging. The software developed through the PyPA is used to package, share, and install Python software and to interact with indexes of downloadable Python software such as PyPI, the Python Package Index. You can support PyPA by supporting them on Github Sponsors.


PyRVA is a local user group in Richmond, VA. PyRVA believes that Python is best enjoyed in the company of others and organizes talks, hackathons, workshops and more to help build up the Richmond, VA Python community. Donation to PyRVA helps support costs of ongoing events.

Python San Diego User Group

The Python San Diego User Group is a volunteer-run group that was restarted in February 2012 and has since grown to several hundred members. We have a general meetup each month with technical talks and networking, and also hold weekend workshops and hackathons for new to advanced Python programmers in the area. We depend on individual and corporate sponsors and the PSF to help keep our events free for our members and to grow the Python community. Your donation helps support the venue, food, and expenses for our workshops and meetups.


Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python licensed under the open source MIT License. Twisted makes it easy to implement custom network applications and supports many common network protocols, including SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSHv2, and DNS. You can sustain Twisted's ongoing development with a contribution!